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[ Classified ] Category: Main > Wyoming
160-acs Stratton Ranch for $199/ac (Item #: 368)
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Price: $39,840.00 USD
Listing ID: 368

County of Property:

Carbon County
State Wyoming
Contact Seller: DougCa
Phone: (800) 421-7163

Description: A quarter section (160-acs) of land for $249 per acre with spectacular “seller financing” terms. This checkerboard region (alternate sections of private and public ownership) is a real “sleeper” as private property owners can enjoy hundreds of thousands of acres that the general public can’t legally access! Also with massive inflation coming don’t you think the value of any reasonably priced 160-acre tract today will automatically be greater in 10-years from now?

County/State: Carbon County/Wyoming

Size: 160-acres

Price: $39,840 ($249/ac) with $840 down and the balance of $39,000 payable at $390 per month (amortized over 186-months including 9% interest).

Legal: SE1/4 SEC 27 T22N R89W, Carbon County, WY (SR Q11)

Access/Roads: This property is located in the checkerboard area (ownership alternates between private and federal) and access is per long standing BLM (Bureau of Land Management) policies (meaning private owners can cross BLM land to get to private property but the public can’t cross private lands to get to BLM property). An actual road, however, may or may not exist at this time.

Mineral Rights: As in most oil producing states the mineral rights have been owned by exploration companies for many years but a landowner would receive some form of compensation if wells were ever drilled.

Surveys: All sections were previously surveyed by the federal government but private surveys for individual 160-acre tracts have not been completed.

Property Taxes: Approximately $90 annually

Improvements: This is raw, undeveloped land and no improvements or homeowner services of any nature are being represented.

Zoning/Usage: Zoning is basically “agricultural” and if expanded usage is anticipated you should check with Carbon County Planning & Zoning (307-328-2651).

Directions: From Rawlins, Wyoming drive west on I-80 approximately 8-miles to Knob Hill Rd. (Exit 204) or approximately 16 miles to Riner Rd. (Exit 196) and then observe the location of the parcel to the north of the freeway as indicated by the arrow on the parcel map. On Riner Rd. there will a sign about 3 miles from I-80 stating “No Public Access” but that sign applies only to the public and not to private landowners

Contact Person: Doug Caffey (800) 421-7163 or email doug@cheaplandinamerica.com

  • # of Acres
  • Price Per Acre
  • 160
  • 249
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Member Since: March 9, 2009, 2:24 pm
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