Cheapest Land in South Dakota
South Dakota was admitted to the Union as the 40th state on November 2, 1889. South Dakota has a population of 815,000 and contains 77,116 square miles of land. The mean altitude is 2,200 feet, and South Dakota has the fifth lowest population density of all the states. Sioux Falls is the largest city, with a population of 150,000, and the state capital is Pierre, with a population of 14,000. South Dakota is one of only seven states with no state income tax. The other six are Alaska, Washington, Nevada, Florida, Texas and Wyoming.
The term “cheap land” is relative in nature, meaning that the land is priced lower than other tracts of land in the same vicinity. The term “cheapest land,” however, is absolute in nature, indicating the lowest priced land to be found anywhere in the state. If you know where to look, the cheapest land in South Dakota can be purchased for as low as $299 per-acre.
When the term “cheapest land” is used, there is still a lot of confusion over what the term really means. For instance, a half-acre lot for only $995 would appear to be one of the cheapest land prices available – but in reality it equates to a price of $1,990 per-acre. On the other hand, an 80-acre tract for $27,995 is actually cheaper than the half-acre lot, because it is priced at $350 per-acre, as opposed to $1,990 per-acre. Seasoned investors will always focus on per-acre prices as opposed to per-parcel prices!
South Dakota is still very much “undiscovered” regarding land prices. The cheapest land in South Dakota is located in the western and southwestern part of the state. This region contains the town of Sturgis, where over 300,000 motorcycle riders meet every year for the famous rally; Deadwood, the historic gambling town where Wild Bill Hickock was killed in 1876; the world famous Black Hills; and Mount Rushmore, attracting more than 2.5 million visitors annually.
The discovery of gold resulted in the “Great Dakota Boom” starting in 1879. The gold excitement eventually died out but now, over 130 years later, a new “Great Dakota Boom” is beginning. This time the excitement is centered on land investment and speculation opportunities. Purchasing a tract of the cheapest land in South Dakota, as a long-term investment, could prove to be very rewarding.
To view some of the cheapest land in South Dakota CLICK HERE